Our club has been providing outdoor recreation and shooting skills practice for over 75 years.
Each shoot begins at 10:00 AM (please arrive a half hour earlier to pay fees, get set up etc.). Open to non-members. Events fees apply. No day fees.
1st Sunday is the pistol shoot. This is a structured shoot, but not intended to intimidate or eliminate anyone. Come on out and take a look. 36 rounds will see you through the day. Held at the Pistol Range. A $10 fee is charged. This covers prizes and targets.
2nd Sunday is the Frontier Firearms Shoot. 19th century firearms with cast lead bullets loaded to 1500 fps or less. A $10 entry fee is charged.
3rd Sunday is .22 RF iron sighted rifles, Silhouette targets. An excellent time to bring your son or daughter. Held at the Rifle Range. A $10 fee is charged.
4th Saturday, April through September, is the 22 Two Gun Shoot. A combination .22 rimfire pistol/rifle shoot shot on the pistol range. A $10 entry fee is charged.
The 4th Sunday is the Precision Rifle Shoot. There are various categories for rimfire and centrefire. Entry is $10/rifle entered. For details, click HERE.
4th Sunday is also the Jr. .22 Shoot. Running 10am-12pm. Open to youth 17 and under. Parental supervision, eye and ear protection mandatory. For more details click HERE.
5th Sunday is the Rifle Shoot. Any hunting rifle with scopes, or iron sights. 12 round course of fire. Designed to test your rifle skills to make you a better shooter. A $10 entry fee is charged to cover prizes and targets.
Trap Shooting is the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month and 2nd and 4th Saturdays 1pm, rain or shine (snow sleet or hail as well. We do cut it short in lightning storms, though). We have 2 traps, one is dedicated to beginner/novice shooters, the other is set up for prize shoots for A and B level shooters. We hope everyone can come out and enjoy this fun, although addictive sport. A nominal entry fee is charged for both practice rounds and prize shoots to cover prizes and targets.