Need to renew your PAL? For fastest and easiest turnaround, follow these steps:
Go to the PAL renewal page HERE, read the instructions, complete and submit the online renewal form (including selfie photo and method of payment).
Take a photo of your club membership card for the next step.
Then wait 15min and call the CFO at 1-800-731-4000 to ensure receipt of your application. Ask them if they require proof of club membership and if so, where to send it and what to put in the subject line. If necessary, complete that email and attach photo of club membership.
Now you’re done and there should be no further delay in processing your application.
Anglers Atlas - Maps & Information
Angling Licenses, Regulations & Fees - Non-Tidal waters
Fisheries & Oceans Canada Licenses, Regulations & Fees - Tidal waters
Fish B.C. - Squamish River
"KidFish" - All About Lakes & Flyfishing Too!
Super Natural British Columbia – Fishing
Tourism Squamish - Fishing
Wildlife Conservation
The folks at 1Campfire have a fresh take on hunting/fishing/gathering in the modern age. 1campfire.com
Wild Sheep Society. www.wildsheepsociety.com
Stop The Spray B.C. stopthespraybc.com
BC Wildlife Federation bcwf.bc.ca
Shooting Sports
Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights firearmrights.ca Sign up for their email newsletter HERE
Project Mapleseed mapleseedrifleman.com