2025/26 Renewals ARE NOW OPEN.
* ALL APPLICANTS (new or renewing) are advised that there will be potential for reduced range access due to (but not limited to) range rental, range maintenance and projects as well as extreme wildfire risk. The reduction in range access will not constitute a refund of any portion of membership dues.
** New applications are not guaranteed to be accepted. They are processed on a first received basis and as cap space permits.
Membership Cards must be visibly worn on your person or kept visible on your shooting bench when on Club grounds. A $15 fee will be charged for replacement membership cards.
Please take the time to review the Squamish Valley Rod & Gun Club Rules & Regulations (updated Oct. 2020).
Membership runs from April 1st to March 31st the following year. Our membership is capped at 850 members. Priority is given to residents of Squamish. We do not pro-rate membership dues. Lapsed memberships will be treated as new member applications.
No memberships or renewals will be issued after March 31st.
To submit for renewal you must have a valid 2024 membership number. If you were a member previous to the 2024/25 season, if you wish to rejoin the club you must apply as a new member.
2025/2026 Membership Deadlines
General Renewals: NEW DATES - January 15, 2025, to February 14, 2025 (ALL RENEWALS, PAPER AND ONLINE, MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE END OF THIS PERIOD)
Accepting New Resident Applicants: February 15 - March 15
Accepting New Non-Resident Applicants: March 16 - March 23
If you missed the renewal deadline and have a legitimate reason, please email us.
NOTE: Lapsed memberships are considered as new applications.
In early 1942, the founders of the Squamish Valley Rod and Gun Club, along with support from the Council of the District of Squamish, established the Club. The Municipal Council of the day had the foresight to ensure that the Club remain locally run by having a restrictive covenant placed on our Charter, stating that the membership consist of a majority of Squamish residents and further that non-residents have a non-voting status.
With the demise of many of the Lower Mainland shooting clubs, and the overcrowding at the remaining ones, we have been under pressure to change this status. Without an Order-in-Council by the District of Squamish and approval by the Registrar of Societies, the covenant can not be lifted. At this time, it is not in the best interests of the Club or the District to even attempt this and the Registrar of Societies has stated that they would not approve such a change. As such, we are limited to no less than 50% +1 Squamish resident members. We will only accept non Squamish residents as current numbers allow. We will not accept any new non-resident applications before April 1st. All subject documents will be shredded if received before April 1st.
New Squamish resident members will require proof of residency (a copy of a drivers license or other government issued ID with your primary address will suffice). If you don't actually live in Squamish (primary residence), you don't qualify for a resident membership
All Squamish Valley Rod and Gun Club memberships are personal memberships. We do not have corporate, business or agency memberships.
Only voting members in good standing may participate in the election of officers.
Membership cards must be visibly worn on your person when on Club grounds. A $15 fee will be charged for replacement membership cards.
Members in violation of Club Rules will be suspended or have their membership revoked at the discretion of the executive.
Currently membership is capped at 850.
Members may bring two guests (supervised 1 on 1) and are responsible to have the guest(s) name printed on the sign in ledger; along with the member's name and number, each guest's legal name and address must be printed on the form and they must sign the waiver, and with the $10.00 day fee in envelope, deposit it in the day fee box.
In accordance with Federal regulations and our insurer's requirements, a JUNIOR is defined as being under 18 years of age. 18 year olds will require an adult membership.
Junior members MAY NOT sign in guests under their membership (as Juniors themselves need to be supervised, they cannot provide supervision for a guest).
2025 Membership Annual Fees:
Individual Adult
$ 125.00
Individual Senior (65+)
$ 70.00
$ 180.00
Senior Couple
$ 125.00
Family (One Parent and minor)
Family (Three or more)
Individual Junior (under 18)
Individual Adult
Individual Senior (65+)
$ 100.00
$ 245.00
Senior Couple
$ 180.00
Family (One Parent and minor)
$ 245.00
Family (Three or more)
$ 265.00
Individual Junior (under 18)
*Resident - one who actually lives within the District Municipality of Squamish (primary residence)
Non-Restricted and/or Restricted Firearms
ALL MEMBERS (renewal and new) who wish to use their Non-Restricted and/or Restricted firearms at the club must check the appropriate box on the form, enter their PAL # in the space provided and ENCLOSE A PHOTOCOPY OF THE FRONT AND BACK OF THEIR PAL (PALs for family, spouse etc.). This is important! Membership cards will reflect no PAL, PAL or RPAL.
This rule does not apply to Club sanctioned shoots where there may be loaner firearms. Or to Members, with the appropriate designation, directly supervising their guest(s) or another Member while they "try out" a firearm. Guests of members who wish to bring their own firearms must provide PAL information on the sign in envelope.
Targets and Target Stands
The Club does not provide targets or target stands. You must bring your own and you must take them away with you. We do not have any storage facilities. Targets and stands left at the range will be disposed of.
Ricochet items i.e..: glass, TVs, rocks, wheel rims etc…are NOT to be used as targets or target stands.
Reactive targets, such as Tannerite, propane cannisters, etc. are prohibited on our ranges.
Pistol Range: Metal targets may be used at no less than 25 yards for rim fire, air guns and hand gun only. Metal targets must be of a commercial design that directs bullets to the ground.
Rifle Range: Metal swinging targets may be used for rim fire, Frontier Shoot (lead, no gas checks, 1500 fps or less), air gun and hand gun only at no less than 25 yards. Metallic targets are not to be used with centre fire rifles (except Frontier).
Trap Range: Only Club Trap machines may be used on the Trap Range. See the Club schedule for available times.