We have a regular monthly rifle shoot on the 5th Sunday of each month at 10:00 am sharp.
This shoot is geared to improve your shooting ability in practical shooting situations. It is meant to be challenging and fun. The entry fee is $10.
In an effort to be inclusive of varying physical abilities we are offering a flexible format. Here's how the shoot breaks down:
Two shots taken at each distance. Calibre is 6mm/.243 and up. The use of a rifle sling as a shooting aid is acceptable at each distance, but rests (or lack of) are otherwise noted.
25 yards - Paper target off hand. Score = sum of shots on target.
50 yards - Paper target from bench off elbows (no rests). Score = sum of shots on target.
75 yards - Baloons off hand. Score = 3pts/baloon.
100 yards - Paper target off hand, but using rifle shed posts as support. Score = sum of shots + 3 pts for a tight group.
150 yards - Paper target, shooters choice: from bench off elbows. Score = sum of shots + 3 pts for tight group OR Seated on ground. Score = sum of shots + 3 pts for tight group + 3pts for difficulty of improvised position.
200 yards - Paper target, shooters choice: from bench with rest. Score = sum of shots + 3 pts for tight group OR Prone with backpack/bipod. Score = sum of shots + 3 pts for tight groups + 3 pts for improvised position.
The shooter with the highest overall score wins. Prizes will be awarded based on shoot attendance (ie lots of shooters = more prizes paid out).
.22 CAL. Two-Gun Shoot
For Rimfire Rifle & Handgun
Event starts at 10:00 AM sharp. That means sharp. Club membership not required.
Any .22 cal. rifle, scoped or non-scoped + any Iron sighted .22 cal. handgun.
5 stages @ 10 shots each :
Max. possible score 150 pts. overall = 15 pts./stage
$10 entry fee.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place plus prizes awarded for each stage as
long as shooter turnout is strong.
A rifle, handgun and ammunition will be available for loan for a small fee.
Course of Fire:
* Each stage consists of five (5) shots with rifle at a small bullseye
and five (5) shots with pistol at large bullseye, starting at 23 yards.
* All shooting is done standing unsupported.
* This is repeated for five (5) stages—except that the targets are
moved four (4) yards closer to the shooter at each stage.
* Pistols are to be holstered and rifles racked vertically, all
unloaded, except when actually firing.
Junior 22 Club Shoot
The SVRGC is excited to offer a new Junior 22 club shoot. This will give a chance for some of our younger shooters, age 17 and under, to have an introduction to firearms and/or hone their skills.
Held every 4th Sunday on the Pistol Range, bring your youth and their favourite .22LR rimfire rifle to learn: basic firearm handling, ACT & PROVE, and target shooting techniques (and as time progresses – cleaning).
A limited number of firearms are available for those that do not own one, but would like to be introduced shooting. There is a small $5 entrance fee. The club will supply the ammunition and targets.
Eye and ear protection is madatory. As is parental supervision - this is not a drop off and pick up activity.
If you are interested, and/or have questions please contact Mike Schaber at jr22shoot@svrgc.org.
.22 Silhouette Shoot
22 Silhouette shoots are held the third Sunday of each month starting at 10am.
The sport uses metallic targets painted black and setup against a white background forming a silhouette of the target and paper bullseye targets. Our shoots allow the use of .22 rimfire rifles with iron sights only. No scopes are allowed.
The shoots are suitable for all ages and abilities. It is a great introductory to shooting for young shooters. The regular participants are a dedicated bunch and welcome new shooters and seasoned veterans alike. Come on out and hone your shooting skills with these friendly competitions.
Frontier Rifle Shoot
Presented by the Cowboy Action Section
2nd Sunday of the month — 10:00 AM Please arrive a half hour before to set up, pay fees etc. There is a $10 entry fee to cover prizes.
This Old West Style rifle event takes place at the SVR&GC Rifle Range.
Everybody welcome.
The following conditions apply:
Rifles of 19th century design only—single shot, slide, or lever action up to .45-70 class
Cast lead bullets; straight-wall black- or smokeless powder cartridges, 1500 fps or less
Ranges from 75 to 125 yds
Targetry provided by the Club
Precision Rifle Shoot
Held every 4th Sunday, the Precision rifle shoot is a bench rest only competition. Designed to test rifle, ammunition and shooters for the utmost accuracy.
Centerfire And Rimfire Rifles
$10 entry fee for each rifle.
Rules for Both Classes
No one-piece rests.
Front rest and a rear bag rests are acceptable.
Centerfire max caliber is .36 dia.
Signup starts at 8:30 AM Practice begins at 9:15
Shoot starts at 10:00.
Unlimited Class Centerfire
No weight limit.
No scope restrictions.
Scoring is by best edge.
20 rounds required, 4 targets at 200 yards 5 shots per target.
Target used IBS 200 yard bullseye. No sighters.
Unlimited Class Rimfire
Steel targets placed at 50 to 200 yds in 25 yard intervals.
7 targets to Shoot ranging in size according to distance.
Timed event, 2 mins 30 seconds to shoot seven shots.
Shooters will shoot the course of fire twice.
No rifle restrictions other than .22 long rifle only.
No scope restrictions.
Front rest only.
Targets don’t have to fall to be counted.
New paint each round will ensure hit, no hit scoring.
Tie breakers shot at 200 yds in the case of a tie.