Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need a PAL to be apply or renew?
You do not need a valid PAL to apply or renew.
If you do not have a PAL, you will not be able to use the firearm ranges without direct supervision of someone with a valid PAL
If your PAL has expired and you have received a new PAL - see ‘
How do I update my expired PAL?’ section below.
How do I renew my existing membership
login to your SVRGC account thru the website account tab. Please note, we sent the incorrect link out in the initial renewal email, if you are asked to upload documents during the renewals process, you are not using the correct link. Please use the link above.
We highly recommend renewing on a desktop/laptop/tablet device - mobile phones do not work well.
If you wish to submit a paper renewal you can find it here. Once you fill in the form and mail it to us with a cheque, please email using the subject line “Paper application mailed” so we can keep an eye out for it.
(mandatory) review your personal information to ensure it is current, if you received a new PAL during the membership cycle please upload it - see below for instructions
select the renew membership button under the membership tab
If you do not see the renewal button once you login, it may be an issue with your system date format. We recommend trying a different browser to see if that resolves the issue (i.e Edge or safari)
select the membership type
add non-residence surcharge if applicable
review the waiver
select next and continue to process payment
If you are using a mobile device, the information may not display correctly on your screen. We recommend using a desktop/laptop device to renew. If you only have a mobile device, try viewing the page in landscape orientation. The extra screen space may resolve the issue.
You will receive an email confirmation once payment is complete and your membership end date will be updated to March 31st of the next year.
To check, log back into the account and click ‘Membership’ and your electronic card should have your new expiry date.
How do I update my expired PAL?
Take a photo of the front and back of your new PAL as separate images
Log into your SVRGC account
Navigate to the membership tab
Find the upload PAL section
Click choose file and select the front PAL image
Once the file is uploaded a second upload button will appear
Click choose file and select the back PAL image